Having been addicted to the art of illusion for more than 40 years, Matthew Gurley has spent much of his free time learning, practicing and perfecting his stage performance. In high school he was introduced to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival, and fell in love with the concept of living historical theater. In the course of his experiences with the faire he has played all manner of roles.
Now he has combined two of his favorite hobbies by performing magic at renaissance festivals. In 1999 Matt replaced the previous performer and became the Dr. Goodhands Magic Show for the 1999 season.

He returned in 2000 under his own name, “Matthew the Magician”, and for the 2001 season was scheduled on the all new “Robin Hood Adventure Stage”.
2005 brought Matthew the opportunity to team up with veteran fire eater/magician Rod Sipe (aka Dr. Dumpe), a 30+ year veteran of the Kansas City Renaissance Festival. In addition to magic and illusion, Matthew expanded his performance experience by escaping from a strait jacket while suspended upside down, 12 feet above the stage as the finale to each of 5 daily shows.

Further years also brought Matt to sideshow stunts such as Walking on a Bed of Broken Glass, the Human Blockhead and even attempting Fire Eating.
Even with these new stunts, Matt’s love has always been magic and in 2013 he returned to the stage as Marvelous Matt with his own show at the Wizards Tower. He is looking forward to a long future entertaining audiences at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival.