Weekend Number Two – KCRF

Typical of KCRF’s second weekend is the numbers slump, and no place was that more evident than at the Wizards Tower this weekend. Temperatures both days were at or near 100 degrees and people were not always willing to sit in the heat to watch a show. When I was able to get a small group to sit down I could typically start the show small and build the audience as the show progressed, but by about two pm each day the number of patrons had dwindled to the point of being imaginary. Steve and I ended up spending much of the afternoon doing tag team magic close-up in the seating which seemed to go over well for those that were there.

Sunday was no better, the first two audiences were so small I didn’t even pass the hat. However that did not stop several people from tipping me anyway. 🙂 I also had an older man ask if I was willing to travel to do a show this winter in Nebraska at his Scottish Rite Temple. Of course I told him I was open to it and he asked a price. I should have told him to contact me after the run but I gave him a price anyway and he didn’t seem too shocked, so I guess I’ll see what develops from that. My third show got an unusual boost from one member of the Rouges of Kansas City who decided he was  going to give me an audience one way or another. So I stood patiently as he shouted and drew the people in sometimes simply telling them to “get over here and sit down!” Former cop don’t take no sh*t! LOL.

This show featured a change in the straitjacket routine (courtesy of Steve Payton) that went over much better than expected. We also discussed a solution to the lack of microphone during the jacket escape and now have a fix I need to manufacture this week. Also discussed was another routine I’m working on and have been practicing for several weeks. It’s not ready for “prime time” but I did get the opportunity today to test it on a few willing audience members and after seeing it Steve offered a couple of ideas that may help it be more effective for me.

One of the more humorous things that happened this weekend was the sudden sound of Dr. Dumpé coming from our sound system. It seems I can leave his show but his voice will be with me always. Must be the psychic bond…

3 thoughts on “Weekend Number Two – KCRF

  1. I’m so happy for you having your own show. I’ve promised myself I’ll come see it when I finish my shift at front gate. You’re a wonderful performer; well-seasoned with the ability to give yourself your own notes, as well as having two of the greatest mentors one could possibly have. A new show is always an adventure in juggling – keeping the balls that work in the air, while tossing the ones that don’t aside and grabbing new ones from the stockpile. And yes, second weekend isn’t helpful to the process of perfecting because of the traditional slump – but you’re lucky you already knew that. Our second week of MentalPause was confusing and confounding – but by weekend three we’d found our rhythm. And as they say – onward and upward – adding things on the fly and keeping them if we got a laugh. I know you’ll be a huge success and will develop a great fan base. Keep ’em guessing, amazed, dazzled, dizzy and delighted. Can’t wait to see Matt Live!

  2. You did keep say’n that the Rogues hadn’t made it to your show, just wanted to be sure that it was memorable first visit! And remember the old adage my friend, “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get what you want!” :)BWahahahah!

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